Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Prescribed Medications ... Who do they really help?

Over the past three years, I have been learning more and more about "statin drugs" versus a more "natural" way of dealing with health issues and concerns. I am so pleased to know that not only are there preventative supplements to take, but that there are also ones that do the job in helping to heal.

This hit home even more so recently. My mom was diagnosed with Osteoporosis a few years ago. They have had her on 3 or 4 "prescribed" meds. All of which had shown no improvements and she also suffered from some of the side affects that go along with them. She quit taking the meds altogether and started taking a supplement that I had heard many great things about. Her doctor was unsure of her decision, but my mom refused to keep taking what they kept suggesting she 'must' do.

A year had come and gone and it was time for her to get a full body scan to now see the stage of her Osteoporosis. The results were that her condition has improved by 23 % ! She called me with the great news and the doctor was truly amazed.

I remember all the years of growing up and going to the doctors, that it seemed no matter what they said, it was the answer! They knew everything! Now that I am older and have educated myself on many other alternatives, I do know that conventional medicine of coarse, is very important and there are many life saving procedures that we must do when need be... However, conventional medicine is NOT always the best answer. Sometimes it's the worst answer. Many times, I have seen how these prescribed medications are more dangerous then good and even cause death as well. Some have been known to go out into the public way too soon. Some should of never went out at all ! That's pretty scary. Very scary!

Do your own research, talk to more then just one doctor and educate yourself so that you feel confident with the treatments that you take part in. It's well worth the effort....

.....and that apple a day might just be a good answer after all. Well...... being that it wasn't sprayed with pesticides, but that's another story.


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Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Bucket List

What a great movie!

Definitely put it on your movie list to watch! Also be sure to have some tissues.

This movie really put some things into perspective and hits the heart with the things that are most important to you in your life.

Working a business from home can be challenging. It's so important to always try to maintain "balance" because it's so convenient to work from home and sometimes you may find yourself attached to the computer and before you know it an hour turns into 3, and those hours add up.

We are VERY privileged to be able to earn our incomes from the comfort of our homes and there is nothing more rewarding to be able to be at home with your family and to provide for them. But............. do keep a balance for all the other things in life that need attention and for all the other things that you want to do or that need done so that you can create a full circle of balance for life, love, and wellness.

That's what its all about!!
